Articles / CloudBilling Post Microsoft Inspire Event

CloudBilling Post Microsoft Inspire Event


Published: 2018-09-25

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It’s a wrap! With a good feeling we look back at the CloudBilling Post Microsoft Inspire Event.

CloudBilling introduces CloudBilling BI

The afternoon was kicked off by Rob Coppen, director of CloudBilling.

Short acquaintance
For the many new faces in the hall, Rob started this afternoon with a short introduction of what we have to offer with our invoicing.

New: CloudBilling Business Intelligence
We also had a nice product development to share. Soon launched race, but already seen during the event last week: CloudBilling Business Intelligence.

“Unlock your invoicing data, get started with valuable insights, and add your data”

Want to know more about CloudBilling Business Intelligence and unlocking your invoicing data in a BI environment? Contact us.

The Netherlands as an icon of digital success

Next up was Bart van der Knaap, director OCP-SMC at Microsoft The Netherlands.

Digital transformation
Bart once again made us aware of the enormous digital transformation we are in. And which big advantage we have here in the Netherlands as a small little country.

“We are on the eve of an expansion for the IaaS and PaaS market”

He also shared a number of practical tips.

Increase the ingenuity of man

Tony Krijnen, IoT Technology Strategist at Microsoft, took us further into the developments in the field of the Internet of Things. Here too there are plenty of opportunities in every branch.

“Think of a customer and consider how you can get rid of some headaches there.”

The presentation from Tony offered a wide range of concrete tips to make a start with this.

The road to awesomeness

Ron Jans, Sr. Supervisor Cloud at Ingram Micro Cloud closed the afternoon.

Ingram offers a wide range of opportunities to support resellers at every stage, both tier 1 and tier 2. Ron took us along the different options.

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