Articles / CloudBilling Business Intelligence

CloudBilling Business Intelligence


Published: 2018-10-29

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Increase in turnover with strategic insights

CloudBilling introduces CloudBilling Business Intelligence. With this, CloudBilling offers strategic insight into customer behavior and product performance. The billing data from CloudBilling is made accessible in a BI environment and can be analyzed comprehensively.

Capitalise billing data

This is an important step in the long-term vision of CloudBilling. “Our ultimate goal to further capitalize billing data is one step closer”, says Rob Coppen, CEO of CloudBilling. “By making the data from CloudBilling broadly analyzable, we can start thinking about future expansions, such as what-if analyses and alerting.”

With CloudBilling Business Intelligence analyses can be made at all levels. From periodic standard reports to ad hoc analyses. This way CloudBilling contributes to a data-driven strategy.

Unlock data broadly

Coppen: “Seen from the billing process, there is still a lot of additional profit to be gained for organizations”. By making this BI environment widely available in an organization, valuable information out of billing data is no longer limited to the financial department. From product management to marketing and from sales to management: everyone is able to zoom in on relevant information for their own field of expertise.

“Think about the customer life cycle and rayon differences. With insights from CloudBilling Business Intelligence, account managers can be directed more focused, supported by data. By setting up dashboards tailored to the needs of departments, deviations from the normal can be easily understood.”

With the expansion of CloudBilling Business Intelligence, the CloudBilling Maturity model will be further developed: from making the billing in order to providing insight. And so be able to make strategic decisions.

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